

Information Problem

The products on the website are there to show you what we currently have in stock. Put your desired products in the inquiry cart and send us a request. Based on the goods you have requested, we will contact with your phone or e-mail to provide you with any additional information you may require.

Sure. You can simply add the products in inquiry cart and write down for samples to request. We will provide you for samples based on your request. And it is all for free.

Bosmos can find any and all ingredients and flavors. ring us up. We will find whatever you need. If not, we will create it for you.

Could be some kind of tiny system problem. Please kindly contact us with other way such as email, WhatsApp or Instagram. 

For any commercial proposition, Bosmos is welcomed. Send the context to us by email, We will check the contents with pleasure.

Send us a message

If you have any questions, please contact us!